Vision of Asian Church of Christ
Is To glorify God by making disciples everywhere across the globe, proclaiming and practicing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Core Values / Beliefs:
Canadian Govt registered under the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
God's Word
The Holy Bible is the source of leadership and guidance in all matters of our faith, shaping how we put that faith into action in all life.
Prayerful Dependence on God
We rest in God and rely on Him for guidance in all areas of our lives.
Heartfelt Worship
We show our love for God by obeying and praising Him and giving thanks for all He has done.
Biblical Community
We desire to be authentic, vulnerable, accountable, and loving in our relationships.
Transformative Discipleship
We are intentional and committed as we strive for spiritual maturity.
Sharing the Gospel
We proclaim Christ through our words and actions in every area of our lives.
Faithful Service
We carry out Christ's work by serving others according to how we are called and gifted.
Generous Giving
We joyfully and sacrificially manage the time, abilities, and monetary gifts God has placed in our care.